Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stubborn Babies

Well, it looks like these girls WANT to be leap year babies! I had a Dr. appt today and they said I wasn't the least bit dialated. She thinks they will stay in til my c-section on Friday. At this point I'm happy for that, everyone has their schedules worked out to be here Thursday night or Friday morning for their birth. Of course now that we think thats best -- my water will break tonight, right??

...we'll keep you posted!

Friday, February 22, 2008


I went in for an ultrasound this afternoon and my blood pressure was elevated. That combined with the major swelling I have in my hands and feet meant I could have pre-eclampsia. This is not dangerous to the babies if caught early, its more dangerous to the mother. So, she was going to send me to the hospital for some more tests. The doctor said if they were positive, we might have the babies tonight! So, I was admitted at Labor and Delivery and brought straight to my room. They started monitoring the babies -- they looked GREAT. They started monitoring my contractions and I would have 3-4 in a row, one min apart, and then nothing for 4 minutes or so. They were fairly intense, I knew when they were coming on, but they weren't what the nurses call "cervix changing contractions", in other words, not real labor. The blood work came back with some elevated levels, but not high enough to keep me in the hospital, or go ahead and do the c-sections (like we were hoping!).

Now, I'm back at home, enjoying Brent and Katies company (mom and Lorren have gone back to Greenville) and hoping these babies come THIS weekend! If they make their appearance this weekend they will get to meet Aunt Lorren, Uncle Cole, Uncle Brent and Aunt Katie -- if they wait until next week it'll be a few months before they get to see them again.

I would love for them to come before everyone goes home, but if they want more time in there -- I'm fine with that! I'm more than happy to do whatever they need.

So, thats where we stand for now. I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bye bye Terbutaline!

Well, the doc told me on Friday that I can stop taking my Terbutaline (the contraction slowing meds). Friday night I had very intense contractions but with no regularity -- which means NOT labor. I had a few through the night, they woke me up which is a first. I had some very light ones this morning.

David and I got ready to go run some errands and on our way to our first stop I had a contraction that just wouldn't stop. It was the most painful thing I've experienced since I've been pregnant. I was nauseous and sweating from the pain, David called the doc while I sat there and cried. She said to go home and rest, which I did and after about 45 minutes it started to let up. I don't know what it was, but I feel better now.

We are going to Scalini's tonight for eggplant parmesean -- there is a legend that if you eat their eggplant parmesean you will go into labor within 48 hours! We'll see if the legend is true for us.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


Ok, we know what we are going to put over the cribs!! Here is a proof, what do you think???


Vote for delivery date, weight, length, etc.....

Be sure to vote for both Baby A and Baby B. Remember, Baby B (Pressley) has been a few ounces bigger all along. And, if they don't come on their own before, a c-section is scheduled for February 29th.

Good Luck voting!

Joelle's celeb look alikes


David's Celeb look alikes


Friday, February 8, 2008

Our cribs

notice the blank walls.... any tips? If so, email me, please!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

My built-in ice cream bowl table

Updated belly pic

33 and a half weeks. All the black makes me look much slimmer!

Baby Tucker

Nothing new...

I know I haven't posted anything lately, but not much has changed. I'm just hanging out around the house. I look forward to my outings. I have 2 baby appts a week and lately have been going to the dentist once a week too, so that keeps me a little busy. Other than that, I'm just here at home, trying to stay occupied.

Last night I had about 8 contractions an hour for about 6 hours. I tried calling the doctor on call TWICE with no call back! I wasn't too worried because the contractions were kinda sporadic, sometimes 5 min apart, sometimes 8 with varying intensity, but I still would have liked their opinion since I hadn't missed one of my contraction-stopper pills. I spoke to them this morning and they don't know why my phone call wasn't returned. They said they definitely would have had me come in to the hospital and to keep monitoring them, if it happens like that again, to call them right away (hopefully they'll call back this time!).

So, thats about all. I'm going to try to get the second crib bedding put together (David did put the 2nd crib together this past Sat), and then I'll post pictures tonight or tomorrow.