Friday, April 18, 2008

Lyla Adelaide

AKA: Lylie, Lylers, Twinna (Twin-A), Lyla-bug, buggy, Lyla-bean (this is Daddy's nickname for her), Lyma-bean, Squealey
Likes: the swing, sleeping on her belly, sleeping on her side, smiling (this is new), eating, the playmat, stretching, Daddy, Bath time!!, watching TV, the pictures over the couch
Dislikes: tummy time, the pink bouncy seat (sorry Aunt Kiki and Uncey Brenty), Pressley crying, going to bed, waking up, her pacie falling out, getting dressed


Anonymous said...

You need to update the girls descriptions.....Tell us more!!!

Anonymous said...

You need to update the girls descriptions.....Tell us more!!!

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like she enjoys tummy time now! How 'bout that update?