Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just had to share...

I love this picture of Pressley. When we were at my parents house, my mom was holding Pressley and saw that Paula Dean was on TV so she brought Pressy in and propped her up on a boppy to watch because she thought Pressy would "enjoy it". And if she's anything like her mom, she would! The funny part here is that my mom didn't think the boppy alone would give her a good enough angle to view the tv, so she propped her up with a stack of diapers!

She really was into the TV show, totally mesmerized! If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it) you can see she was saying "Hmmmm, that really does look good, I'm going to have to try that!"

And, yes, I do think my girlies are too young for tv, and they don't watch it at home (other than the occasional glimpses throughout the day), but I've told both of the girls grandparents that they can spoil the girls when they visit -- thats what grandparents are for, right??


Harris Boys said...

aww she does look entertained :) a little bit of tv never hurt anybody. my boys don't even care about the tv...I've tried getting to watch a 30 min show so I could get something done and they just won't sit still.

mom2lo said...

That is just awesome. I can see how much the diapers helped! LOL!

LO actually really enjoys the Baby Einstein DVD we let her watch--"Baby's First Signs" and "Baby's First Moves." We use signing with her a lot and she's starting to sign some now, too! It's great!

Harris Boys said...

the smudgey hands print all over the fridge are def. cute at first, but now I clean that thing every night...I wouldn't trade it for the world, but they sure do leave lots of little finger prints

Regina Stoner said...

Awweee.. that is precious, and I love Lyla's new shriek. They must be so much fun! I miss you guys! See you soon!

Karen said...

Hiiii! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I remember looking at your blog several months ago, but I can't remember how I found it now. Small world! :o) Your family is adorable, by the way!! Your girls are sooooo cute!

BTW, one of our nieces has Pulmonary Valve Stenosis. She is 19 months old now and is doing well. In fact, she just had a cardiology appointment today! :o)

Brenda said...

Yes! That's what grandparents are for!

Grandmother Turner

Anonymous said...

My girls will choose cooking shows just as much as they would choose cartoons! How fun! H