Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More big news

Remember the Fisher-Price House Party I mentioned a few weeks ago?? Well, I was chosen to host one!! That means lots of FREE toys for the girlies! I'm so excited!! And, I registered Lorren (she was out of town and away from a computer) and she was chosen too! Lots of wonderful, adorable, FUN Fisher-Price toys for all 3 girlies!! Yea!!

I *think* these are the toys we will get for (say it with me) FREE!

Each toy looks like so much fun! Fisher-Price really does make cute toys. Thats where Kickey Bear came from, the girls first favorite toy.


mom2lo said...

Love! Love! Love! Fisher-Price toys! LO's pretty much got the whole "Rainforest" collection and she's loved it all from Day 1! Congrats on your party and free toys! Can't wait to hear the reviews of what's hot!

Karen said...

YAY! Congratulations!! :o) They have some great toys!!

Susan Sene said...

Yayyyy!!!!!! I'm so super excited you guys will get to do this. I've been wanting to do another party since the Hershey one! I can't wait to hear how it went!

Crystal said...

Hey Joelle- that is so cool! Is that the same place where you registered to win the free double stroller? Those toys that you will get free look great!

Brenda said...


Harris Boys said...

awesome. we also love FP toys. you just can't go wrong. lucky for the girls and mommy!

Anonymous said...

yay! better get a bigger apartment! haha!