Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Top Commenters

See the little counter I added to the right? It tracks who comments the most. I LOVE getting your comments! Its so fun to hear what you guys think of my beauties. Please keep the comments coming. And did you notice after the beach pictures I asked a question? I know, you probably don't read my play-by-play, you just come for the pictures. Well, I enjoy your comments anyway, I check for them every day (just as much as you check for pictures!). Thank you for the comments.


Turner said...

OK Joelle, you're going to have to stop adding features to your site. I've already got a countdown timer and now I'm using SiteMeter to track my stats. Jess is going to kill me if I add Twitter and a comments meter!!

It's hard keeping up with the Jones' (or Turner's in this case)...

Last Paradise said...

I want to learn how to add music.... I don't think its possible though. Hey- since I comment for you do you think you could comment on John's site once in awhile?!?! AHEM....Love you ;)

Joelle Turner said...

Aha! Music is added, I love a challenge!

Brenda said...

I love the music!

Last Paradise said...

Thanks for adding music, I followed your lead and now I have some! :) I secretly want to be TOP commenter ;)

Harris Boys said...

hey joelle...glad you added the top commentor, fun huh? I need to start commenting more since I've only had

Regina Stoner said...

HEY! I've commented before! How come I'm not on the counter? Okay, I'll make this a good one, so that it will count. I check the blog almost everyday and I smile everytime. I guess if the girls can't live in Greenville, this is about at close at it can get. Thank you for taking all the time and effort to keep us all updated! Love you all!

Brenda said...

Ditto to Regina's thank you.
