Monday, June 9, 2008

We have a roller!!

I put Lyla down for her tummy time today and she promptly rolled over to her back. I thought it was a fluke and put her back on her tummy, she did it again! In fact, I can't keep the girl on her tummy! David and I documented it for you...


Caroline and Ken said...

What a great child - and what great photos! We LOVE seeing the updates and feel like we're sharing in the fun. We LOVE each of you!

Anonymous said...

YAY! How exciting! So much for tummy time!

:) Katie

Regina Stoner said...

That is SO cute! Can she do it on command? :-) just kidding. Sorry I only know dogs.

Last Paradise said...

Hooray Lyla!!!

Susan Sene said...

AHHH!!! Look at her go!!!

Lorren said...

I love the photo play-by-play. I'll have to use it as a tutorial for Savannah. Savannah's doing good if she can get her nose off the floor!

Harris Boys said...

omg I love the pics...I love how you captured each different segement....SO CUTE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Jeremy really likes these- he can scroll up and down and make her roll back and forth really fast. Guys... :)